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Town of Rock Fire & Rescue Department

The Town of Rock fire department offers fire fighting, first res-ponders and rescue services for our township as well as neighboring townships

Firefighters and Medical First Responders Needed

The Town of Rock fire department has a critical need for firefighters and medical first res-ponders. if you are interested in volunteering or want additional information please contact the Fire Chief.

Fire Chief: Bob Reed


(715) 305-7465

Burning Permits

Burning permits are required for an burning outside of a barrel, incinerator or fire ring.


  • Contact the Fire Chief for issuance of all burning permits

  • When the burning permit is issued, the person the permit is issued to is responsible for damages and costs if the fire gets out of control.

Note: for burning restriction updates, by county visit


Or call 1-888-wis-burn(947-2876)

Restrictions are updated daily after 11:00 am

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